News — aquatic liner
Customer Review - Pond liner
July 7 2014 Customer Feedback
We are very happy with the PondMat!
Tony Crasto, Ontario.
June 2 2014 Customer Feedback
The liner looks great and works perfectly. It's so clear with the stone (grey) colour that you can see the bottom. Thanks again! - Blake Usiski, Cambridge ON
PondMat Customer Feedback - May 26, 2014
Thanks KenttainMats for the great pond liner! We Love our new pond!
How to build a pond or fountain
Spring is in the air and that means it's time to start focusing your attention on things to do outside! If you've ever wanted to build your own pond or water feature the first consideration you're going to need to make is how are you going to retain the water? Well, here at KentainMats, we have your answer!
The PondMat is not only one of the most durable products on the market, it also happens to have a 10-year warranty! What makes our PondMat different than other water liners out there is that all of our PondMats are one-piece construction....